DLC's (or Skins) have been added to the game! As well as some various changes and bug fixes. You can now choose how the girls will look like while you prevent them from catching you!

Link : https://www.patreon.com/Vyprae

Get Five Nights in Anime 3D


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another freaky game



will you ever release a new update on itche for this game

My series about what happened to me is over

Will 2.0 only be for patreon?


How to access the skins its lock (inventory, Shop)


Also...shouldn't you give a list of changes when you make such an update? I feel that would be needed as the description is rather vague. It isn't enticing for those that are waiting publicly and it isn't for those that consider joining your Patreon either, as they have no idea what they will even receive when joining it.


I am interested to see it, so I hope the Beta goes live publicly by Christmas. =3


the 2.0 beta is still patreon only right?